Chrigra replied

456 weeks ago

Com.facebook.loginactivity Java.lang.nullpointerexception >

Com.facebook.loginactivity Java.lang.nullpointerexception

E 'solo che, in alcune circostanze, quel segmento viene eseguito . Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure delivering result ResultInfo{who=null, request=64206, result=0, data=null} to activity {com.facebook.unity.FBUnityPlayerActivity}: B. With javascript I have the login/out working and I can get a logged in user's public facebook details. I'm going over the friendsmashpaymentscomplete project available over at GitHub however their t . iOS Android Facebook SDK - get friends list, some without username I'm using iOS and Android Facebook native SDK in my app. i have uibutton where i am using it to login to facebook and share details on facebook I am using FBSession to login [FBSession.activeSessio . The login part went smoothly but now i am hang how to display albums in gridview after getting login i . This is the screenshot Please help.

Tech Forum Network Home . Once I download it and try login, it takes me to #facebookapp and redirect again to m . codenote.netWeb & Tips / / RSS Twitter Facebook . android facebook login I have a android application through which i have to login to facebook. nomi27951, Sep 30, 2013 #3 . Facebook SDK for Unity How to use FB.AppRequest in Invitablefriends id(token)? I'm using Facebook SDK for Unity 5.1. For logout I encou . App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue I have integrated my application with Facebook,for these I am using Facebook's Graph API.I am retrieving profile & friends information.It is working fine on my device which has Android version 2.3 . For experimental use, I would like to run an app on some android device.

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